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First "fcc-hook" is not more working...

Hello *,

if I start mutt I get:

[michelle.konzack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:~/] export LANG=C    
[michelle.konzack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:~/] export LC_ALL=C
[michelle.konzack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:~/] mutt
Error in /home/michelle.konzack/.mutt/hook-fcc, line 8: Unmatched ( or \(
Error in /home/michelle.konzack/.mutt/muttrc, line 18: source: errors in 
source: errors in /home/michelle.konzack/.mutt/muttrc

which is realy annoying and I have an include

----[ '~/.mutt/hook-fcc' ]----------------------------------------------

# # fcc-hook [!]<pattern> <mailbox>
# <pattern> is recipient, <mailbox> is where to save a copy

fcc-hook '~t @(bugs|packages|qa)\.debian\.org'          =.BTS_debian/

fcc-hook '~t debian-.*@lists\.debian\.org'              =.ML_debian/

fcc-hook '~t bind-.*@isc\.org'                          =.ML_linux/
fcc-hook '~t isdn4linux@listserv\.isdn4linux\.de'       =.ML_linux/
fcc-hook '~t leaf@lists\.sourceforge\.net'              =.ML_linux/
fcc-hook '~t linux-router@linuxrouter\.org'             =.ML_linux/
fcc-hook '~t openldap-*@openldap\.org'                  =.ML_linux/

fcc-hook '~t exim-.*@exim\.org'                         =.ML_mail/
fcc-hook '~t mutt-.*@mutt\.org'                         =.ML_mail/
fcc-hook '~t procmail@lists\.rwth-aachen\.de'           =.ML_mail/

fcc-hook '~t lug-niederrhein@yahoogroups\.com'          =.ML_lugs/

fcc-hook '~t pgsql-.*@postgresql\.org'                  =.ML_pgsql/

fcc-hook '~t php-.*@lists\.php\.net'                    =.ML_php/

fcc-hook '~t fvwm.*@fvwm\.org'                          =.ML_xwindow/


fcc-hook '~f michelle\.konzack@freenet\.de'     =.Private/
fcc-hook '~f bsd4michelle@freenet\.de'          =.BSD/
fcc-hook '~f devel4michelle@freenet\.de'        =.Devel/
fcc-hook '~f dos4michelle@freenet\.de'          =.DOS/
fcc-hook '~f linux4michelle@freenet\.de'        =.Linux/
fcc-hook '~f sun4michelle@freenet\.de'          =.Sun/
fcc-hook '~f windows4michelle@freenet\.de'      =.Windows/

which was working long time ago...  (Debian Woody or something older)
Now, the first "fcc-hook" do not more work.  I have chnaged it to

    fcc-hook '~t .*@(bugs|packages|qa)\.debian\.org'    =.BTS_debian/

but the same error.  After reading the mutt manual I am curios abot this

Any Ideas?

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSN LinuxMichi
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